On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> have you run sndconfig?

Ran it, found my soundcard chipset. Guessed at the settings and tried every
possible combination I think. The problem is, I don't know those settings.
Plus, in the same way that Xconfigurator (is that it?) failed to get video
working without further manual tweaking, I kind of don't expect sndconfig to
solve the issue. Any help on where I can find the answers to those setting
questions in sndconfig? From somewhere in Windoze? I have dual boot, so I can
get into Win and find out what it is, but have not been able to find anything
>  > On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, you wrote: > > HI,  > >  > > Can anyone point
me to a help file on setting up sound for XWindows. I'm > > basically just
taking a stab in the dark at those settings it asks for, but to > > no avail.
Thanks! > >  > > Gregg > --
> PadLocke the Ogre
> There are three types of people in this world...
> those who can count, and those who can't!

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