N. B. Day wrote:
On Thu, 2005-02-24 at 14:30 +1300, Rosemary McGillicuddy wrote:

Nothing but problems with Tbird in linux for me. Think I will go back to Kmail but in the meantime Tbird is frozen and I can't shut it down. I'm sure there will be a way in the command line, and going through Rute but in the meantime if anyone can help me shut it down I'd be very glad thanks.

As usual, TIMTOWTDI (there is more than one way to do it!).

I'm babysitting student labs now so I can't go to a Mandrake machine to
find out exactly where, but somewhere in your menus you'll find Xkill.
Click on that and the cursor turns into a death's head.  Now click the
death's head on the offending application -- it should be gone.

From the command line try "ps aux | grep Thunderbird". This should give
you a list of all the processes running that have Thunderbird in their
name (hopefully only the one).  On this SuSE system I get a listing that
shows the user name in the first column and a number representing the
"pid" or "process ID" in the second.  Now type "kill <pid>", and if that
doesn't work "kill -9 <pid>".

ps gives a long list of all the processes running, their owner, pid, how
long they've been alive and all sorts of interesting stuff.  You could
just page through the list, but it is easier to pipe it ( | ) to the
grep command which looks for a string (in this case "Thunderbird") and
returns only the lines containing it.


One more way. "killall -9 mozilla-thunderbird" if you installed from the RPM, or "killall -9 thunderbird" if you didn't.


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