-----Mensagem original-----
De: Len de Roder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Data: Quarta-feira, 24 de Novembro de 1999 11:05
Assunto: [newbie] video card Intel 740 server

>I recently bought a new machine with a card with the intel 740 chipset.
>But when reinstalling Linux it doesn't support my card, is there a server
>for my card to be found?
>If so where?
>And (i still have to learn) how do i install it??
>Tanks in advance.
>Greetz LEN

The  newer version of  XFree86 supposedly supports it.
It  can be downloaded from www.xfree86.org   .
FTP site is ftp.xfree86.org .  They  suggest  using  mirrors  instead  of
main  site.

Am facing  same problem on my  computer at work.
I'm  trying to set it up fully in Linux to prove  that  it is a viable
company alternative.
If other computers are this much trouble, it might not be.

I have so far downloaded the sources from
ftp.xfree86.org/pub/XFree86/current/   sources  (?).  Tonight,   left  docs
Sure  would  like to find a nice RPM  file  -  with  good instructions on
installation,  however.

Antonio  C    T   Rocha

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