On Thursday 17 Mar 2005 16:25, Josenildo Marques wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 08:18 +0200, Duncan Anderson wrote:
> > I agree with Greg. In a low bandwidth situation such as mine, a mailing
> > list works much better. Website based forums are a major pain in the
> > behind if you have a slow third-world type dialup connection, whereas
> > you can always go and make yourself a cup of tea or something while the
> > mail is downloading. With a forum, you have to watch the screen so that
> > you can click where appropriate, etc.
> >
> > cheers
> > Duncan
> Third-world dial-up connection...? Does that mean that people in the so
> called third world only have that type of connection ? Isn't it a bit of
> prejudice on your side ?

I don't think he meant that, Josenildo, or at least the way I read it was 'If 
you're condemned to using dial-up you are excluded from the modern world' - 
and to that extent he's right.  It's really only when you're used to adsl and 
have to use a dial-up connection that you remember just how slow and 
expensive it is, and how you can't possibly consider enormous downloads 
because your provider will cut you off.

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