On Thursday 24 Mar 2005 17:50, DAN WALKER wrote:
> Please excuse my newness...
> I tried to do the updates for my i686 machine, but it
> says that the website is uncontactable. Where can I
> find a list of update mirrors. I have googled but can
> not find any.
Hi, Dan.  Open Mandrake Control Center, Software Management, Media Manager and 
remove the Update source.  Then go to easyurpmi.zarb.org and follow the 
instructions on that page to set new sources.  While you are there, set up a 
source for plf, and I would recommend setting one for every group on there.  
You can select them all at once, then the page will come back with a long 
command that you paste into a root console.  You should have no problems 
after that.

If you don't know unix-style cut-and-paste, ask here.

Registered Linux User No.293302 (http://counter.li.org/)
Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?  Mandrake at all levels

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