On Thu, 25 Nov 1999,Benjamin Sher wrote:
  | Dear friends:
  | First, my thanks to everyone who went out of their way to help me with
  | all the little questions having to do with installing a /home partition,
  | including questions about swap partitions, etc. Everything went fine as
  | you can see below:
  | [sher@adsl-77-232-173 sher]$ df
  | Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on 
  | /dev/hda1   2.6G  1.4G  1.1G  56% / 
  | /dev/hda3   1.2G  330M  793M  29% /home
  | /dev/hdb1   2.9G  422M  2.3G  15% /bs
  | [sher@adsl-77-232-173 sher]$  
  | One question: I updated my Mandrake 6.1 CD using MandrakeUpdate.
  | Everything went more or less smoothly (you need to add "kdesu -c" to the
  | Properties. Execute of MandrakeUpdate to make it work as root, thus
  | "kdesu -c MandrakeUpdate" without the quotes). This included updating my
  | kernel (all 8 files along with "initscripts" (I think that's the name of
  | the file). Well, as you can see below, my new kernel is indeed
  | 2.2.13-22mkd, and I made a bootdisk with that new number after
  | installation (and updated my /etc/lilo and /sbin/lilo) and everything
  | works fine. But the first entry for the kernel includes BOTH kernel
  | numbers, the original one and the updated one.
  | Can anyone explain this?
  | Thanks again to everyone.
  | Benjamin
  | [sher@adsl-77-232-173 sher]$ rpm -q kernel
  | kernel-2.2.13-7mdk
  | kernel-2.2.13-22mdk
  | [sher@adsl-77-232-173 sher]$ rpm -q kernel-headers
  | kernel-headers-2.2.13-22mdk
  | [sher@adsl-77-232-173 sher]$ rpm -q kernel-source
  | kernel-source-2.2.13-22mdk
  | [sher@adsl-77-232-173 sher]$
  | Recommendations to Mandrake:
  | 1) Explain to users what SMP means. By the way, the autodetect insisted
  | that I had an SMP, when I only have one AMD k6-2 400 Mhrtz processor.
  | 2) Explain to users what all those acronyms in "Which processes or
  | programs do you want Linux to automatically start?" (such as amd, httpd,
  | innd, etc. etc.). A newbie is likely to feel that he has just landed on
  | the moon when seeing these cryptic acronyms without any explanation
  | and/or advice on whether he/she needs it or not. I do however,
  | appreciate the tremendous advance over the old RH 5.2 and 6.0, I think,
  | where none were checked off at all. At least here you can accept the
  | defaults.

You can press the F1 key here for an axplanation when the cursor is on the item
you do not understand.

  | 3) Suggest that the user add ALL : ALL to /etc/hosts.deny and ALL: LOCAL
  | to /etc/hosts.allow or add that tot he final stage of installation to
  | give the user some basic online security right off. 
  | 4) It's about time that sound configuration was included along with
  | video and printer and everything else. I've reinstalled RH and Mandrake
  | several times, yet, believe it or not, it took me a while to figure out
  | after installing RealPlayer and getting no sound that I had clean forgot
  | to do my sndconfig sound configuration.
  | 5) When updating, you need to choose an FTP site. Fine, I chose
  | rpmfind.net. But the next time I opened Update, it returned, unless I am
  | mistaken, right back to the first site on the list, someplace in
  | Belgium.
  | 6) Why not spare us the Utilities agony (all the more so because it is
  | such a minor inconvenience) of having to figure out how to view all the
  | Utilities (by creating an extra Utilities subfolder, then copy and
  | paste). 
  | 7) What do you do if you DON'T want or need to accept certain updates,
  | e.g. Netscape or the new and defective lpr? How do you keep it from
  | appearing every time you open Update?
  | Otherwise, I am very pleased with Mandrake 6.1. Just thought that these
  | suggestions may help to make Mandrake even more user-friendly.
  | Thanks so much.
  | Benjamin
  | -- 
  | Benjamin and Anna Sher
  | Sher's Russian Web
  | http://www.websher.net

The measure of a man is in his honor ...

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