Chris Harvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Steve
> My name is Chris Harvey and I have just loaded Linux for the first time. The

> installation went OK, I had a bit of trouble configuring my video and
> but that seems to be now resolved, the problem is that that is will not boot

> from the HDD and I have to boot initially from the floppy after which the
> drive takes over. 
Once you've booted in with the floppy, try running /sbin/lilo from a command
line.  This should enable you to boot from the HDD next time.  If not, you may
have to edit /etc/lilo.conf to make sure that your boot is for hda rather than
hdax (where x is some number).

>It is then OK to the login screen, the problems really start 
> when I try to access STARTX after which the whole thing slows down 
> dramatically and eventually locks up.
> Any thoughts please 
> Chris
Some info on your set up might be helpful.  How much RAM?  How big a swap
partition? CPU? etc......

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