Well, I finally got it installed
(Linux-Mandrake 6.0).  I had some trouble getting the
X Server up and running, but I finally made it over
that hurdle.  I'm using the KDE environment with the
Mach64 accel. server, and the first time I went in the
mouse worked fine.  I had to run the xf86config
program again to fix a problem.  Since I did that I
cannot get the mouse to work in KDE. I've tried
running mouseconfig several times, but I just can't
get the mouse to function.  I know that it is on
/dev/ttyS0 and that is what I choose when I run
mouseconfig.  Is there an easy way to troubleshoot
this problem.  I'm excited to start using this thing,
but I just need to get the mouse working. Thanks in
advance for your help.


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