Gregg....I suppose it depends on which instructions you're following,
the ones from section 2.x or the ones from 4.2.  If you're having a
problem you might try section 2.x.  Also you might email the author,
Doug Holland outlining your problem.


Gregg Carrier wrote:
> >Gregg....this website will help a lot.
> >
> >
> It sure did. Very informative. I followed the instructions regarding xfs which
> seems to be the font server that came with L-M 6.1. Problem is, nothing really
> looks different at all and if I ctl-alt-tab to the console view when I start
> X, it prints over and over:
> KCharset: Wrong Charset!
> Did I do something wrong? Where should I look for my error? Also, is it really
> true that I should comment out all FontPath lines in XF86Config other than:
> FontPath " unix/:-1"
> ? Or did I misunderstand? Thanks for your help!
> Gregg

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