On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I just registered my PowerPack with Mandrake support. I received a
> letter asking me to confirm my registration by writing my registration
> number in the subject header and sending it to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I did this about an hour ago. I know this is Saturday, so I am wondering
> when I will hear from Mandrake so I can start my email support. I have a
> few minor problems to deal with.

I quickly learned that the best support you'll get for Mandrake is right here.
Some really intellgent and knowledgable folks regularly read this list. Even
cooler, they've been reading it and answering questions for some time and 9
tmes out of 10 a helpful answer to most basic problems has already been
posted. Search the archives (linked from the linux-mandrake site) and you'll
find some of your quickest solves for basic stuff. Then post here. Much faster
and MUCH more helpful than L-M support which (for me) has been quite
un-supportive. Good luck!

>  > Thank you. >  > Benjamin > --  > Benjamin and
Anna Sher > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sher's Russian Web
> http://www.websher.net

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