I have almost an identical setup and I simply cheated to install Linux.  I
disconnected the HD and CD-ROM from the Highpoint controller (the white
sockets on the MB) and plugged them into the black sockets (regular IDE).
Linux detected this properly.  However, when I did this I did not have the
HD and CD-ROM setpu in my BIOS, make sure you do this or you won't be able
to bring up Windows.  Once I got Linux installed and happy (I am still in
the process),  I plan to change the boot options to work with the UDMA66
Highpoint controller.  Good luck.

Kyle G. Robinson
Programmer/ Analyst
Pangaea Systems Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Aldrich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 07:28
Subject: Re: [newbie] Installation help!

On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> Hey all...
> Totally new to the Linux thing, but not new to the Unix thing.  Though
> familiar with Unix, I have never had to install it, and being totally new
> Linux, have no clue why I am having problems.
> I'm running a Abit BE6 motherboard, Celeron500, 128MB, 13GB Quantum
> UltraATA66, Guillemot 3D Prophet video (Nvidia GeForce256), and all the
> other usual goodies... Monster sound, etc...
> My main partition is, of course, this Win98 partition from which I am
> mailing... I have over 3GB of unpartitioned space on this same HD to which
> am attempting to install Mandrake.
> I have followed the Installation instructions to the letter, though I
> I have narrowed my problems down to the fact that my HD is UltraATA66...
Hmm...are you using the Ultra66 controller or the standard
controller? There was something in the list last week about
getting Linux to see the ata66 hard drive, although I don't
think they discussed trying to do a fresh install on it.

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