Dan Ferris wrote:
> Well.
> I just got Mandrake Installed.  So far nothing but grief with it.  Don't know
> what its doing but I have a couple of problems.
> 1.  Seems that it installed KDE fine.  Only problem is that it somehow messed
> up the graphics for the buttons.  NONE of the KDE apps have the correct pixmaps
> for their buttons.

There is a known conflict with between a pair of KDE packages that
causes this problem.  You need to reinstall the kdelibs package.

> 2.  Netscape seems to hang when I start.  Not only that, it crashes my proxy
> server when it connects.  I looked at the Netscape problem page on the mandrake
> web page, and set the environment variables that it told me to set, but still
> no luck.

What are you using for a proxy server?  Setting up Netscape for proxies
has (for me) always just been a matter of going to the correct
preferences page and setting hostname and port numbers for the proxy.
> 3.  When I open a console in X,  and I SU to root and try to run an X
> application (any one doesn't matter) it gives me an error that I an unable to
> connect with the X server permission is denied.  What permissions do I have to
> change.  Funny thing, this only messes up when I am ROOT not a normal user.
> ???

Actually, if you 'su <user>' to another user, it will also cause a
problem.  It's a security feature that prevents people from
watching/launching programs on your desktop.  To get around it, you can
issue 'xhost +localhost' before doing the su.  When you're done with the
su, issue 'xhost -localhost' to reenable security.

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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