On Sat, 04 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Everytime I send mail I get the msg: "I/O Error.... This is a directory and not
> a file: /home/....."
> I'm trying to retrace my steps to when I setup Kmail.  Funny thing is that I
> can still send and receive mail, so I wouldn't think this is a really bad
> message.  It's kind of saying "HELLO, This is a *DIRECTORY*, and *NOT* a
> *FILE*"  My question is *what* is a directory and *not* a file?  My /home/user
> directory where my mail folder is?  How do I point Kmail (or Netscape) to my
> mail folder?  IOW, what is Kmail looking for me to put into the settings? 
> Again, doesn't *seem* to be any danger, it's just kinda annoying.   Thank You
> All...
It's looking for a signature file. Either turn off signatures (I
have) or create a signature (even a BLANK signature will work.) In
either case, go to FILE ->SETTINGS ->COMPOSER. Here you can *uncheck*
the "automatically append signature" and under "settings" you can see
what you have set for the signature file. 
MY advice is to open a console window and type "touch email.sig" and
then put "/home/josh/email.sig" in the "settings" box where it asks
for the filename of the signature file. :-)
That way you'll always have SOMETHING there and it'll never complain
about a "...directory, not a folder..." again. :-)

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