On Sun, 05 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> This is a subject that is of interest to me, as I guess it is to
> everyone
> expect experts.
> I have compiled my kernel a few time but sometimes ran into troubles
> and felt I just didn't do everything correctly. Like there were
> dependencies
> problems on boot up in one case. And this was just compiling the
> existing
> kernel, at least that is the way my memory serves me.
I'm NOT an expert (been using linux at work for less than 1 year,
and at home for 3-4 months) but, AFAIK, you only need to issue "make"
commands for kernel compilation if you are planning a custom-compiled
kernel, or (maybe) there are special drivers that you need to have
I'm sure if I'm wrong Axalon, (or someone) will step up and correct
me. :-)

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