"Chip Rose." wrote:
> I had been trying to run sndconfig without being root.  I even tried
> <which sndconfig>, and it appeared that sndconfig wasn't installed - now
> I know that you not only have to be root to run sndconfig, but also to
> find the program location using a which command. (heh heh - I need to go
> to the "duh" webpage and sign their guestbook!).
> I'm listening now to classical guitar in x11amp - strangely, the volume
> doesn't go nearly as high as it does in MS-Windows, but at least the
> terrible hiss is completely absent using x11amp/linux..

Chip....you don't have to find the program with the which command, just
use the - switch with the su command like:

        su -

This will change your environment to that of root as well as giving you
root privileges.  Then, just type sndconfig.


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