Dan Ferris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a question.
>After spending my day at work fixing some problems with Windows it lead me to
>think about this.
>       Why is Linux more Stable than Windows???
>All I hear about is how great Linux is compared to Windows but none of my books
>really explain WHY except that it is free.  
>Linux is multi-user preemptive multi-tasking,  multi-threading, and has memory
>protection between applications.
>Windows is multi-user multi-tasking and multi-threading, and has memory
>protection between applications.
>Linux never crashes.  Windows crashes all the time.
>Now before you anwser.  I want REAL anwsers.  Not anwsers like "Well, Windows
>sucks because Micorsoft is big and rich."  
>Anwsers like "Windows sucks because applications don't check to see if they
>should give up the CPU for another application."(JUST an example) are more
>I have run Linux for almost a year with no real problems at all.  I have run
>windows for several years with nothing but grief.
>Just curious thanks.
>       Dan   
First, lets look at the file system. Linux files system is similar to unix which is 
much more organized and sleeker. There is a reason that the windows filesystem is 
called FAT. 
Next windows is a memory hog. This probably has something to do with all the legacy 
code. You need to have at least 32 MB of ram to run win95 -98 and more to run NT. 128M 
ram is probably best for all three to run better.
Then, Linux uses a swap partition to help avoid RAM logjams.
Finally, there is the legacy code in windows that makes it the fat bloated dead cow it 
is. Windblows has to be backwards compatable all the way back to DOS. Every piece of 
software made for Windo$e must be built the same way. Even though they say they got 
rid of DOS, (ha,ha,he,he,...), if you pull back the GUI you still have DOS underneath. 
And that's all that windblows really is, a GUI for DOS. Amazing. If anything, you have 
to at least give ole Bill credit for turning a software OS (DOS) that he bought for 
$30,000.00 back in the eightys into the billions he now has from a stolen Xerox GUI he 
put on top of it.
Anyways, does this answer your question, I'm sure you'll get some more responses and 
probably better answers.
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