On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Hello,  as you'll see I am very new to Linux so please bear.  I recently
> used the update utillity from my Mandrake desktop to download the kernel
> upgrade.  I believe I correctly changed lilo.confand then I /sbin/lilo.
> It seems now that I am booting with the new kernel.  Is this all I have
> to do?


>  If I haave to recompile what do I use to do it with? 

    I'm assuming you downloaded a 'ready made' kernel. You would
only need to compile if you downloaded kernel source rpm's.  

> Michael Hutchins

    It would've helped if you said what version of Mandrake you

   If it's 6.1, run 'XF86Setup' and your card will be on the card
list toward the end listed as 'Voodoo 3 (generic)' (all V3's use
the same server).

   If your runing 6.0 and have the CD, the rpm's needed for your V3
are on the CD in /apps/3dfx.  Install all of them and run
'XF86Setup', but this time the cards are listed near the top as
'Voodoo 3 -2000, -3000, and -3500

   If you don't have any of the above, go to 3dfx's Linux driver
page and you'll find links to the needed files and instructions.

   In any case you'll need to go to that page in order to get
instructions for the 3d accelerated server as 'XF86Setup' only
installs the 2d server.

   The 2d server is easy (and it's all you need to run X and KDE),
the 3d ... well ... good luck  ;-)  
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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