
> >2) Linux says it cannot open my modem - so does that automatically mean that
> >is a winmodem (it's an OEM modem w/ my Compaq Presario 4550)? And if it is,

Chances are that it probably is a WinModem your system is 12 to 18 months old.

> It could be.  However, on the offchance that it could be due to an IRQ
> setting, check your settings in the bios of your computer.  But more
> than likely it is a winmodem.
> >are there any other ways to make it work w/ Linux other than buying a new
> >modem (such as finding a driver even if it is a winmodem)?
> There is NO way a winmodem is going to work in linux.  Not going to
> happen..and there are no drivers to do so.  Unfortunately you are
> going to be stuck with getting another modem.  If so, getting an
> external model will ensure that you dont mistakenly buy another
> winmodem.

Up until recently this is / was very true. Lucent has released a Linux driver for
WinModem's that use the Lucent chipset. Of course that doesn't help anyone with a
Rockwell chipset but who knows you might see one of those too.

> >3) I've just installed Corel Wordperfect 8 and I wasn't too sure what
> >directory I should install it in so i installed it in /dev/usr/wordperfect
> >(I logged in as root), so would that be ok or should I install it in a
> >different directory.

I installed mine off of /urs/local as I recall. I really don't know if it makes
much difference.


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