Hello all~

   I'm new here, and new to Mandrake, but don't have the time to keep 
checkin all the messages or delete them all. I just need a quick (hopefully) 
answer  for the following problem:

I installed Linux Mandrake (yes, a REAL new newbie) and have had one
major problem: My Netscape comes up with a 'color setting not correct'
message. It says to check something; I don't have the EXACT words here
at the moment (I'm on a different machine), but I CAN look them up IF
anyone has any clue as to what to do. I also have a second problem with my 
e-mail configuration in the Netscape Messenger client due to this same 
problem; every time I click 'check mail', it comes up with
the 'color setting' message as it does in Navigator/Communicator.

Please help if you can.

thanks all!
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