According to my know it all LInux book:

"Because they just standard (but removeable) SCSI or IDE disks most aspects of
their use are similar to those for other block devices."

In other words:

Find out which disk represents your zip drive.  hda, hdb, hdc, or hdd.

Then edit your fstab with the following line:

/dev/hdc4       /mnt/zip                auto    user,noauto,rw  0 0

Of couse, replace your /dev/hdc4 with the block device that represents your zip
drive.  Then make sure that you create the directory /mnt/zip.

Remember that Iomega uses primary partition number 4.  They just do, nobody
knows why.  This is what you get if you format a Zip disk under Windows.  If
you want to make a zip disk work under Linux, you have to use fdisk and then
mkfs to make the file system.    

All done!



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