On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> Please John, can you teach me the rest of the commands after the prompt
> "ftp>"? I only know how to do ftp's under graphics softwares like gftp
> in which it opens two windows... Sorry. If you teach me I would be very
> thankfull. Sorry for my poor English as well... :o(
Type "help" at the prompt. It should give you some
pointers. Basically you type "ncftp" at the command-line
prompt, then type "open <sitename>" and it'll go open an
ftp session to the site you gave. If you need to log in,
you'd type "open -u <username> <sitename>" and you should be
prompted for a password for the username you gave above. It
defaults to anonymous ftp. The nice thing about ncftp is
that it auto-detects whether you need binary or ascii
transfer by default.

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