On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> I'm stumped. I've recently bought a Gateway system with a P3 500, 128M RAM,
> 13.6 Gb disk, 19" Gateway monitor and a Creative TNT 2 Ultra. I used to run
> Mandrake 5.3 on a laptop with no problems at all, but since trying to
> install Mandrake 6.1 on the new system I have had no end of problems. 
> At the moment I've managed to get linux running in text mode normally but
> every time I try to run Xwindows the (microsoft natural) keyboard LEDs turn
> off and the keyboard and (microsoft intelli) mouse freeze up. Is there a
> built in feature of linux that I don't know about that refuses to recognise
> microsoft hardware or something more sinister? Running Xconfigurator tells
> me I can run 1600x1200 at 32bpp but the configuration freezes even at
> 640x480 at 8bpp. XF86Setup freezes the mouse and keyboard too. The only way
> out of the freeze is to turn off the computer and reboot. I've tried paring
> down the relevant parts of the XF86Config file to the basics, eg:
I'm using an Intellimouse at home...... I'd try telling X
that you're using a Microsoft Intellimouse PS/2. As for the
keyboard, there may be a special keyboard mapping for that
one as well...

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