On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:
  |  Ed Santiago wrote:
  |  > Ok, I changed the font to 100dpi and wow what an improvement.
  |  > I had to go to the  /etc/X11/fs/config  file with the advanced text editor and
  |  > switcheded everything that was 75 to 100 and all that was 100 to 75. Of course
  |  > you have to install the 100dpi fonts off the installation CD. Then I shut down
  |  > and restarted and it is wonderful. Thanks Tom for the hints toward the right
  |  > direction.
  |  > At 800X600 the 75dpi fonts are fine, but above that the 75dpi fonts are too
  |  > small on my 17" monitor. Now it is great.
  |  >
  |  > <snip>
  |  OK, so how does one tell if the 100 dpi fonts are installed??
  |  TIA
  |  --
  |  Joseph S. Gardner
  |  Senior Designer / Technical Support
  |  Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

rpm -q XFree86-100dpi-fonts

The above command should query the rpm package, and report  the package's
version number if it is installed, or that the package is not installed.



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