Axalon Bloodstone wrote:

> _basicly_ it's no different than any other cdwriter. execute
> cdrecord -scanbus and it should pick it up no problem. You just need to
> make sure you don't go over the size when you do your mkisofs. Theres
> maybe a link on the cdrecord homepage to a gui util that won't whine about
> going over 650 megs. There was a link at one time to an observatory useing
> cdrecord to burn thier dvd's.

I found the second link but I wasn't sure it would directly apply to
me since I didn't have daily data requirements of that size. I am
still fuzzy about a couple of things, if you don't mind continuing to
help I would like to ask a couple of followup questions.

Once I have sent an ISO image to my DVD-Ram disk can the resultant
disk be read by a standard CD-ROM drive as long as I keep the size
under 650 megs? If not, can it at least be booted in a DVD-ROM drive
to do things like operating system installs?

When I am just using a DVD-Ram disk for backup or extra storage space
do I even have to use something like cdrecord? Or since it is a scsi
drive and I have a working scsi driver can I put an ext2 fs on it and
just copy or move things to it via normal linux commands?

I think I will understand the role of the cdwriter program a bit
better if I have the answer to these three questions.

Traci Collins, MA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

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