I am new to Linux and I am trying to get through the initial installation process.
I would like to set up a dual-booting system with Windows 98 and Linux.  I have
a second hard disk not in use that I wish to format for Linux.
Here's what happens:
I create my root partition and swap partitions on the second hard disk-----dev/hdb 
Even though I specify swap space, the program tells me that I didn't and asks me if I would like to "repartition",
I say yes, then when the programs goes back, an error message comes up saying:  "ERROR:  hard disk drive hdb
not found .. RETRY or SKIP DRIVE" or something to that extent.  At this point I can do nothing else and have to
restart the machine.
If I decide not to try the "Repartitioning" step, the installation program will take me into the package installation area
and I select the packages, which is fine.  However, when the installation program asks me to format the partitions, I select
the root (/) partition and proceed.  Everytime that I have tried this, at some point during the installation, this error would come
up:  mount failed:  invalid Argument.  Then when I try to go back, I get the same error message that I specified in number
2.  I don't understand it.
Linux looks like a great operating system, and many friends have told me to use it.  But the installation problem is pissing me the
hell off.  Is there any among you who can help?
Thank you in advance. 
David Chanderpaul
Future Shop Technical Services
845 Eglinton Avenue East
Toronto, ON M4G 3X1
BUSINESS:  (416) 429-7077
BUSINESS FAX:  (416) 429-0635
ICQ:  54070079
SynDiKit International
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