after login in kde (mandrake 6.0) 
kfm information :creating directory:/desktop
kfm error:could not create  /.kde/share/apps/kfm/magic
of course I thought about right of the user so I added the user to the admin
rebooted same error message ,
the only drastic way around I can see is reinstall and for assigned default
user create this oracle user neccessary for oracle .
Any input is desesperately required before reinstalling 

>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Hassani Youssouf  
> Sent: 03 January 2000 07:19
> Subject:      FW: oracle installation :newuser login failed in kde
> =required reboot 
> To my surprise ,,,,
> The changes | tried to impliment upon the user take effect only after
> reboot ,I thought linux did not need so much reboot compared to a nt box 
> What is funny when you go to user manager and you define the groups the
> user belong to ,it does not not automatically add the user in the groups
> window.
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Hassani Youssouf  
> Sent: 02 January 2000 17:05
> Subject:      FW: oracle installation :newuser login failed in kde 
> More adventure :
> system>>user manager 
> deleted the user oracle and the group dba 
> created again user (therefore differenty pid ) assign a new password 
> created group dba assigned oracle user to the group 
> logout try to login using oracle and new password login failed in kde 
> see yahhhhhhh
>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Hassani Youssouf  
> Sent: 02 January 2000 12:36
> Subject:      oracle installation :newuser login failed in kde 
> Thank you all for the previous reply to the questions I have sent .
> During the preparation stage of installing oracle 8.05 for linux I am
> encountering probleme creating user and adding it to the group 
> I have followed the how to install oracle :
> created a group dba 
> created a user oracle 
> pwd oracle 
> typed a new password 
> log out tried to log back into KDE :login failed 
> Okay then I go to emacs  passwd 
> edit user put * instead of password 
> again failed 
> groups oracle =id:oracle:no such user 
> and yes after each modification using emacs I think it autosaves the
> changes 
> Thank you in advance for the help

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