On Sun, 02 Jan 2000, Ken Harbit wrote:
  |  I have Mandrake 6.0, it is installed on /dev/hdb1. Every once in a while I get 
the following error when starting up. "/dev/hdb1 has reached maximal mount count, 
check forced." It then goes on and loads fine. It also operates fine. 
  |  Should I be concerned about this? 
  |  Ken Harbit

No. This is simply Linux taking care of you as Windows can or will not. About
each 20 (do not know the exact number) mounts, fsck is instructed to check the
filesystem for errors in the init script file which runs at start up. If any are
found, they are either repaired for you (minor things), or you will be dumped
to a shell. At this point, you enter your superuser (root) password, and you can
then run fsck to repair the partition which contains the errors.

AFAIK, the command is fsck /dev/hd%# (%=physical drive leter - first is a,
second is b  #=partition number). Also from this shell, you can run "man fsck"
(no quotes) for better information on fsck.



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