Here, Here! I agree. Surely these OT messages can be brought under
Chip Wiegand

Josh McCaffrey wrote:

> I'm sorry, I couldn't help but notice I receive too much junk mail off
> of this list.
> Since when does the year 2000 have *anything* to do w/ Linux?  Let
> alone Mandrake...
> There are many other lists available for many other computer topics
> and millenium stuff....
> I hearby suggest that we keep this list open for discussion only about
> Linux (specifically Mandrake).
> Axalon?  Can you help us out here?  I've been threatened off a list
> for sending mail even slightly OT, and you
> know what, I never sent anything OT again.  Let's just agree that this
> a list for Linux-Mandrake newbies,
> and anything that doesn't pertain to Linux-Mandrake in any way shape
> or form is OFF TOPIC and punishable by
> 1)a warning and then 2)a booting.  If people aren't going to show any
> consideration for a particular forum of discussion,
> then they have no place in the forum.  Just my  $.02.
> -Josh
>            "I just want info on Linux, please."

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