On Wed, 05 Jan 2000, Andy Foote wrote:
  |  Im pretty sure i don't have a winmodem....so i don't need to be told
  |  that....i just don't know how to get my modem working in linux....could
  |  someone tell me how?  thanks

I use KDE, and this is simple here. In the K > Internet menu start KPPP, select
the "Setup" button. Then select "New" in the "Accounts" tab. In the
resulting Dial tab, give the new account a name, and provide a phone number to
dial into your ISP, and be sure the "store password" box is checked unless you
want to enter your password each time you log on. Now select the "IP" tab, and
be sure the "dynamic IP" radio button is selected, and that the "Auto-configure
host name from this IP" is NOT selected (quite important). Select the DNS tab,
and enter the DNS addresses provided by your ISP in the "DNS ISP address" text
box, then select the "add" button for each address. In the "Gateway" tab,
select the "default gateway" radio button and "assign the default route to this
gateway" check box. Unless you need to use a special script with your ISP to
log on, or you need to watch your connect time (for example your service is not
unlimited, or you have connect time charges you do not need to make any changes
to the last two tabs. Select the "OK" button at the bottom of the window. You
have now set up your ISP account. Next in the "Setup" window, select the
"device" tab and be sure the appropriate information is entered in this window.
You must tell KPPP where the modem is connected (COM1,2,3,,4) by using the
Linux port designators "ttys0,1,2,3" respectively. The "flow control", and
"line termination" can usually be left alone, but the connection speed may be
able to be set at 115200 rather that the 57600 which is the default (works OK
on my system - no telling on other's). Now select the "Modems" tab. I set the
modem volume in the middle of the slider. Select the "Query Modem" button. This
will allow you to check that your modem is conected where you expect it to be.
You will get an error if the modem is not connected at the port you selected,
or you will get an information box telling you about your modem if it is found.
You can also edit the modem commands under the "Modem Commands" button or start
a terminal session using the "Terminal" button. I have left these two alone for
now. Select the "PPP" tab to configure how KPPP will behave under specific
conditions, and set the pppd timeout. The last tab you may want to work in is
the "Graph" tab. Here you can set up the colors used in the "detailed" display
for the throughput graph. When you are satisfied with the settings, select the
"OK" button at the bottom of the window. Finally to check the setup, select the
"Connect" button. You should connect to your ISP.



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