On Sun, 02 Jan 2000, John Aldrich wrote:
  |  On Sun, 02 Jan 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  |  > In a message dated 1/1/00 1:20:43 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  |  > writes:
  |  > 
  |  > Could you please explain a few things really quick?
  |  > 
  |  > << I'm assuming that your machine is coming up in runlevel 5 graphical mode >>
  |  > 
  |  > Runlevel 5...is there level 4 graphical mode?  What is with these runlevels, 
  |  > I see them all over but don't quite understand.  Just each runlevel is a 
  |  > level of complexity, where each level depends on the processes going on in 
  |  > the level beneath?
  |  >  
  |  There are four runlevels you need to keep in mind: RunLevel 1 which
  |  is a single-user, no network, no GUI boot up. Run Level 3 which is a
  |  multi-user, networked boot up, and Run Level 5 which is the GUI,
  |  multi-user boot up. Now, these are different for each distribution of
  |  Linux. Also, Run Level 6 is the "reboot" run level, so if all else
  |  fails and you can get a command prompt, but need to shut things down,
  |  you can init 6 and reboot. :-)
  |  >
  |  >  <<  type  " linux 3 " with out the quotes. And don't take all
  |  > day. you only  > have a few
  |  >  seconds.  This will boot you into linux without X.   >>
  |  >  
  |  > How did you know this?  
  |  >  
  |  Experience. :-) Trust us... the default boot delay is something like
  |  15 seconds... VERY short!
  |     John

Also, other more knowlegable users have helped us out by telling us these
little gems when we asked "how do I do this???"


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