Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> It looks like Mandrake's latest kernel 2.2.13-22 is incompatible with
> VMware. I need therefore to restore the old kernel. It is listed as
> follows:
> [sher@adsl-77-232-210 sher]$ rpm -q kernel
> kernel-2.2.13-7mdk
> kernel-2.2.13-22mdk
> [sher@adsl-77-232-210 sher]$
> Would very much appreciate it if someone could give me step-by-step
> instructions on how to restore my 2.2.13-7 kernel so I could install
> VMWare.
> Thanks so very much.
> Benjamin
> --
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web

If you read the archives about 2 weeks ago, or so, you will see that
Axalon helped me do this.
Dennis Robertson  2/2 Sylvia Street NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566 AUSTRALIA
Phone: 61 7 54742343  Mobile: 0419 535539  Fax: Phone first.

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