Jeremy....the drivers you need are on your 6.1 cdrom here:



> Jeremy Casey wrote:
> I have been trying to install Linux-Mandrake 6.1 on a computer
> I built recently and am having fits with X-server.  The box is
> a P3-450 , 128 MB ram , ATI Rage Fury (Rage 128 chipset) and a
> separate ATI TV-Wonder card.  There is a DirecPC PCI card
> thrown in there just to make things interesting.  The problem
> is that XFree86 3.3.5 doesn't support the RAGE 128 chipset in
> my video card and I can't get X-Windows up at all.  Now I did
> some research and understand the SuSE has written a X-server
> for the RAGE 128 chipset that is hardware accelerated and
> everything but I don't have a clue how (or if) I can use that
> in Linux-Mandrake 6.1.  Can I download there RPM's and make
> them work in Mandrake or do I need to fall back and get a copy
> of SuSE 6.3 with the RAGE 128 X-servers already built in???
> Thanks a ton in advance...
> Jeremy Casey
> P.S.
> I am a CAD draftsman by trade and if I had a viable
> alternative to AutoCAD R14 I would leave WIN98 for good.
> Anything CAD related out there???

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