I have a rather ugly problem I've been messing with for the last week or

I installed Mandrake 6.1 last month on half of my C: drive and have since
not been able to get my 2nd NIC to enable. On boot the machine enables lo,
eth0,tries to enable eth1 and finally after 5 seconds gives this message:

"Bringing up eth1
 delaying eth1 Initialization                    [FAILED]"

Kernel is 2.2.13-22.
NIC 1 is a RealTek 8029(AS) - running good, I can wander the NET.
NIC 2 is a DEC Etherworks 3 (DEC 205), ewrk3 is compiled into the kernel.
NIC 2 is set up in Windows at IRQ 5, I/O Range 0300-031F, Memory D0800 -
D0FFF and working fine. Linux has all those areas free(I checked), and I see
those settings
in a config file but linux still won't enable the card.

I have tried using linuxconf, read several how-to's, and examined almost
configuration file I could find. No luck. Cannot ping the second NIC card -

I am beginning to think I messed up inputting the settings for the second
card using linuxconf and yes, I have read and printed out the how-to for
IPMasqerading (still trying to get through it).
I have and understand the current IP address, Gateway address and subnet
mask for NIC 1.
In Linux,the IP address of NIC 2 is set as above, and the gateway is the IP
address of NIC 1, subnet mask of

What else do I need to set to get NIC 2 to work?

Thanks for any help

Doug Roberts

Murphy's rule of combat: Incoming fire has right of way.

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