Dear friends:

I just turned on my computer for the day and discovered that when I
tried to log into Xwindows (startx), I got the the following message:

"timeout in locking authority file /home/sher/.Xauthority"

My computer would then try to get into XWindows (KDE) but the blank
screen that precedes KDE would just freeze for an eternity. Not knowing
what could be causing it, I decided to experiment (safely) by renaming
.Xauthority to .Xauthority.old and rebooting. It worked! I guess it
created a new .Xauthority file (I'll find out when I reboot if that's
the case). At any rate, I got into KDE with all my settings, etc.
Everything seems fine.

My question: did I do the right thing? Or is a more serious issue

Thanks so much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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