well said, fully agree (fonts sucks, too many prgs in too many dirs)
make that browser quick and I want that you make it, that web pages will look
with it so wonderfull as with IE!!!

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> ok i just have a few quick questions,
> i have the same font problem in netscape as a few others have 
> experienced.  no matter what i switch the &^%^!%( font to in netscape it 
> still looks like crap.  i run my system in 1280x1024 and I LIKE it, but
> this creates a problem because netscape's text is so small.  i also 
> noticed that in the pull down menus there are some options that say 
> "increase font size/decrease font size" but they are always greyed... 
> it's so annoying and i hate to say it, but i wish that netscape would get 
> their ass in gear and produce a visually pleasing, easy to use version.  
> their software layout is backwards, and looks hooooorible.  grr.  
> anyways.. i'm venting-and currently want to put a team of programmers 
> together to create a GOOD browser for linux.  one that looks, feels, and 
> works nice.  what's with not being able to add more than one POP mail 
> account anyways?  what about people that need to check to POP accounts? 
> GRR.
> second.  i am rather new to linux-my major concern in my transition from 
> the horrible OS that micro$oft pukes up.. is now i don't know what 
> anything does.  when mandrake installes a MILLION and one programs--they 
> go in a million places and i feel lost at my prompt.. where do i go, what 
> do i do now?  i sometimes try to compile software and it can't find 
> libraries and whatnot  --  the main one is iostream.h --  where does that 
> come from?  any pointers -- other than hacking, reading, hacking, and 
> then reading some more? 
> last.  i'd just like to give the mandrake development team a pat on the 
> back for doing such a good job.  i like mandrake a lot...
> thanks 
> mark

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