I purchased a second hard drive to so that I could install Linux
on its own drive and leave windows with the first drive. Except
now I want to transfer the disk1 partitions (13Gb drive) related
to Linux onto disk2 (20Gb drive).  The disk1 setup is as follows
(I used Partition Magic 4):
    partition 1:    c: win-NT   (2 Gig FAT16)
    partition 2:    Linux /     (2 Gig ext2)
    partition 3: extended (6.2 Gig)
                    Linux swap  (128MB ext2)
                    Linux /home (1 Gig ext2)
                    Linux /usr  (1 Gig ext2)
                    d: win-NT   (2 Gig FAT16)
                    e: win-NT   (2 Gig FAT16)
    partition 4: free space (3.4 Gig)

I hate the wasted space of FAT16 (a 60MB CD takes up 1.1 Gigs
with 60% waste).  Can Linux read FAT32 or NTFS systems yet ?
I understand that Winblows 2000 will support read both.
Windows programs can be on NTFS, but I want program source,
images and videofiles to be accessible from Linux.

One strange thing is that d: and e: only show up in windows
explorer after I use PM4 to change drive letter, but once I
reboot then I can't see them anymore (DOS fdisk sees them).
Is this a problem with the limitation of 8Gigs, or should I
have created d: and e: first in partition 3 ?

I installed Windows NT in order to use VMware to access Linux
since I will use windows more than Linux (for now), even though
I have 10+ years of using UNIX on the job.  However my ATI AIW-128
will not support the TV tuner on Win-NT. My choices are to wait
and get winblows 2000, or install win98 into partition 1 and move
the current win-NT into partition 2, or see if the TV tuner will
work inside a VMware win98 vm.  And of course trying to
get dual-boot or tri-boot will be lots of fun.

Is there any Linux utility like Ghost and ImageCast on windows
which will make image files of partitions and drives so that
you can re-install or copy to another location ?

For the second drive, how would you recommend setting it up
with the idea that maybe one day I'll remove it and install it
as a primary drive on a new machine (going from hdb to hda) ?
I thought about using 6Gigs at the front for win-linux sharing,
and then install Linux-Mandrake.  However I suppose that either
way, partition 1 should be a /boot of 16MB ? After that I can
just partition  /, /home, /usr, etc.  Is this /boot only for
1 installed linux, or will it be shared if I partition and install
another Linux (say Corel) ?  If not shared, does that mean I need
to create a second /boot partition ?

Thanks... Dan.

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