Sometimes when making some configuration from your user login with su root

creates those kind of problems!

Younes Zouhair

Le Fri, 21 Jan 2000, vous avez écrit :
> Dear friends:
> Well, a little troubleshooting on my part and the problem is solved. 
> For whatever reason, the ownership of my /home/sher directory changed
> since yesterday from "sher" to "root." My guess is that installing a
> communications program called Seyon had something to do with it. After I
> changed the ownership back to "sher", things immediately returned to
> normal. I rebooted to test, renamed /home/sher/.Authority.old back to
> /home/sher/.Authority and now everything is fine.
> Thanks so much.
> Benjamin
> -- 
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web

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