Matt....if autodetect finds your card then leave that setting
alone.  When you say "no dice" that's not telling us what
happened, you should be more specific.  Anyway, I've found a
pretty good "least common denomimator" monitor to use in
Xconfigurator when a listed monitor doesn't work (my Princeton
E072 just went to a black screen that I couldn't exit from) or a
monitor isn't listed (it's worked in both cases for me).  It's
the IBM 8507, try it ;-)


"Burger, Matthew R" wrote:
> I installed Air at work on a machine, no problems.  My home (test) machine
> is another story.  Auto detect finds my video card just fine, but when it
> asks for a monitor type and I specify the correct one............  no dice.
> The correct monitor is listed in the list, but still won't work.  The video
> card is a generic Trident 3DImage 985 AGP, the monitor is a NEC Multisync
> 3FGx, and the machine is a k6-2 350 w/ 96 MB, 2G drive.  Any suggestions or
> help?  I have tried almost every other video driver, just trying to get one
> that works, NO GO there either.  I tried installing Corel Linux 1.0, RH 6.1,
> Mandrake 6.1, etc. with the same results.
> Thanks,
> Matt

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