I have a Tekram MB with the Via Chipset that contains the embedded Trident
CyberBlade Video Adapter.

I had no trouble getting the resolution I desired when I first tried Caldera
OnpenLinux, but have been unable to change it under Mandrake.  I tried the
CyberBlade driver choice, and it is no better.  I seem to be stuck at
640x480x256.  Any changes result in either a black screen or a scrambled

I am now at a point where I tried to alter the XF86Config file, and the
monitor flashes after boot.  The screen shows the Penguin and text login
screen.  I cannot login, and a telnet session does not respond either.

I also have been unable to figure out how to change the domain name from the
default of "localhost.localdomain" without trashing VNC.  Once I make the
domain change, VNC no longer can find the proper Display.

I will be glad to answer any questions if I left out info.


Jim Gutterman

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