On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> I just installed Mandrake 7.0, and now I'm having a bit of trouble.  I
> can't seem to get into the GUI (KDE?  Is that what it's called?  I really
> AM a newbie).  When I boot up, I get taken to the command line interface.
> Things work as they should from there (well... the things I expect to work
> do), but I'd sure like to be able to get to the GUI.  
> A littke but of background to the problem.  I was having some display
> issues, as I had given wrong information during the install process, so I
> got those fixed to where things look as they should.  I even got into the
> GUI.  However, since it was at 640x480 resolution, I went back to the
> command line to try to up that.  However, when I got through doing what I
> thought should fix that, I couldn't get back to the GUI.  I've gone
> through Linuxconf, trying to figure out what might be wrong, but I haven't
> found anything that looks like it might be causing the problem.
To test your settings, type "startx" from the command line,
or to try a different resolution, you can try:
startx -- -bpp 16 (16-bit color)
startx -- -bpp 24 (24-bit color)
startx -- -bpp 32 (32-bit color)

Since I start my machines at the console and then start the
GUI interface, I just have an alias for the color depth I
want and use that to start the gui.

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