On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > After I read all my mail I occasionally have a strange problem.  Kmail will
> > still indicate that I have unread messages.  When I scroll back through my
> > messages I find at least one message that has no subject and is from unknown. 
> > There are never any messages highlighted as being unread.  It is always an empty
> > message.  Sometimes I will check for new mail, and I'll receive one new message
> > with the same problem described above.  I've tried compacting the folder, but
> > that doesn't help.  The only thing that seems to work is to exit kmail and
> > restart it.
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > 
> subscribe to the KMail list and let the developers know of
> this problem? ;-) Seriously, I've noticed that when I have
> a LOT of messages in a folder I'll experience the same
> strange behavior by KMail. I just signed up for the KMail
> list (send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a
> subject "subscribe <your-email-address>")
I know it's poor nettiquette to reply to my own message,
but I just got my first batch of email in the KMAIL list.
Basically there is a problem with SOME messages causing the
blank emails... has to do with the s/mime or some such like
that. Haven't really had a chance to read it yet....
anyway, the authors ARE aware of that problem and WILL be
working on it.

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