This page:,1400,13702+1+2,00.html
has a list of the stuff you should have to compile the kernel. However, mine's
compiled without all of those things listed. I was missing kernel-pcmia, egcs,
and dev86 rpm's, and it still compiled for me. General rule is to just install
every RPM that the article lists, that you can find on your Mandrake disk (
Mandrake/RPMS ) Also, that article is really good on describing what to do and
what to expect. I found it really helpful to me.

Anthony Huereca
I had a life I have a computer and a modem

> > i need to know just excatly what programs are needed to compile the
> > kernel i have linux mandrake 6.5 with current kernel that come with
> > package is

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