Well for all of you that were aware that I was having a mouse (Ps/2) problem
with my laptop...there is good news, well at least for me, and possibly for
you as well...I've fixed it,...the problems seems to have been a conflict
between the laptop display and the Ps/2 port, which I find a little strange,
since the Ps/2 occupies irq 12 and the display uses no resources at all to
my knowledge, but I did notice a slight flicker when it came to the point of
Linux recognizing my Ps/2 port, well, I simply closed the lid and
deactivated the display, thus putting the laptop in standby mode (and this
was after 7 different installs I might add) upon opening the lid, the HD
started and began working, when the screen  activated as I hoped, the
installation process continued...(hoorah for me), well needless to say I now
have an awesome laptop running Linux 6.5 with oodles of memory and quite a
nice looking desktop. To continue, as far as the operating system, (since I
am fairly proficient with Unix and have an hp 819s running 9.x of Unix Os),
it seem s to be similar to the ux-os in architecture and commands, so
needless to say I'll be a happy camper in a known environment, so therefore,
I may be of some assistance to those of you who are looking for help on
certain topics, but let me get into a bit more before I get flooded with
responses, I don't mind any questions at all, but give me a few days to get
in the good stuff before that ok..thanks to those who tried to help me get
through this migrating stage...Tony

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