I am having trouble installing Air and I think its because of the 1024
cylinder issue.

I have a 10gig harddrive.  I purchased v6.1 of mandrake and installation
went through ok.
I would have either had the one complete c driver or c partition plus
another primary partition d: at the end of the drive.

I am now trying to install v7 and I get errors on creating a boot disk and
installing LILO.

I have tried various different ways of setting up my harddrive and none are
working. No matter what I try I keep getting errors installing LILO and
creating a boot disk.

One example Ive tried:

Ive set this up using Partition Magic 5 and I was so sure it would work:

            type          total          used          free          Pri/Log
C:        FAT32      5859.6     31169.6     2629.0     Primary     0-746
*         linux Ext2     2000.3     628.0      1372.3         Primary
*:        linux swap 133.4          0              133.3          Primary
            Extended 1741.4         1741.4     0              Primary
d:spare FAT32  1741.4         13.5          1729.9     Logical     1019-1240

D drive goes through the border.  ALl partitions above it are well clear.

Gone through the install and in Disk Druid reports:

hda1 5859 Win98
hda2 133 Linux Swap
hda3 2000 Linux Native
hda5 1741 win 98

Looking like the D:Spare at the end is doing its job keeping the linux
partitions clear from the 1024 cylinder.  How ever, later in the install it
gives an error on creating a boot disk and on installing LILO.

Then when I finnish and go back into partition magic it gives:

          type              total          used          free
Pri/Log             Cylinder
C:      FAT32          5859.6     31169.6     2629.0     Primary
          Extended     3875.1     2133.6     1741.4     Primary
*          linux Ext2     2000.2     2000.2     0              Logical
*:        linux swap     133.3      133.3          0              Logical
        unallocated   1741.4         0              0              Logical

I did my own partition prep as the "d:spare" partition has to be at the end
to use up the cyliners from 1023 up.  But when I go through the install it
seems to ignore what Ive done, does what it wants to do clears my empty
d:spare partition and uses all free space left, doing this it obviously
fails because of this cylinder border.  In this attempt. the install changed
to an extended partition including d:spare which it changed to
"unallocated".  Perhaps because its included in the extension the 1024 issue
fails it.  I read that as long as I have the boot sector well clear of the
1024 cylinder border then I should be ok.  Well, in this attempt the linux
native has cylinders 747-1001.  Well clear.  I dont understand why its not
working.  What am I missing or doing wrong?

Ive also used the partition tool that comes with linux mandrake v6.1 and it
does the same.  I kept teh spare dir at the end, went through the prop using
that and it simply merged everything together.

since Ive got it installed but cant get in as LILO wouldnt install, what can
I do to still boot into linux since its there on my hardrive and I simply
cant use LILO?.  Ive installed and installed so many times trying so many
other partition setups to allow for this 1024 cylinder border and Ive had no
luck.  Even if I can get into booting linux another way, Im not happy.
There is obviously a reason why LILO wont install and Id like to get it
sorted out rather than detouring around it.

Is there anyone who can give me a suggestion on a partition setup like the
one Ive shown that may work?
Ive tried both disk druid and fdisk.  When I use fdisk I then get an error
booting back into windows saying invalid partition.  I then have to go back
into setup upto disk druid, delete what fdisk did, including all the linux
partitions so I can then get back into windows.

Oh, and the install fails on creating a boot disk.  Every time.  It doesnt
even look like it reads from the floppy drive at all????  My pc is a Pentium
III, 500mHz, 64MG Ram, one 10Gig drive.  It does use On-Board integrated
sound and graphics but they are seperate issues yet again, and I got v6.1
installed on here ok.

I really would appreciate any suggestions.


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