Greets all. . .Inspired by the rather excellent article in the recent Linux
Journal on creating KDE themes i went ahead and gave it my hand.  I was
wondering if some of you would mind giving it a look and offering some input as
to appearance. . .a little background.  The theme is called Cyber Space (i
actually had no idea there was a theme based on the matrix when i started
designing it so im not trying to bite off of anyone else's work:), and
basically my inspiro for it was back in the days of green screen terminal
command line based internet, tho with linux i can relive those days all owver
again(:  The theme is in what i would call its first acceptable beta and as
such lacks things like Wallpaper, preview and sounds.  My main concern is with
the gfx looking decent and the color scheme coming up properly.  I apologize
for forwarding it to the list, but its only like a ~2k attachment so i hope it
wont cause any major problems.  Thanks all!


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