For what its worth, I have a machine at work that was running 6.1 which I
upgraded to 7.0 with few minor problems.  However, I tried multiple clean
installs of 7.0 on my box at home, and had various problems which left me dead
in the water (squid, ip forwarding, etc) as a proxy server. To be honest, most
of these were probably configuration problems caused by yours truly.  I like to
think I can work out most problems with the help of you guys and gals, but I
decided to stick with 6.1 at home.

My .02


bluebottle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/01/2000 08:20:22 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Bryan Moorehead/Link/Allied Holdings)
Subject:  [newbie] Mandrake7

We are seeing some stories, here in the UK, that Mandrake7 will not be
released commercially as there are too many bugs.

I hit problems with the X config when I tried an install. This was on a machine
that I've already used with 5 different distros - I did do a clean install. I
had the following error message : XFree86-rpm not found. I put it down to a bad
CD and am about to try a different source.


John the Nadger

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