Also, check out and  They both have
lots of information and walkthroughs to help you.

Lance Borden wrote:
> Andrew Scotchmer wrote:
> > Firstly thanks to all for your help and does anyone know of any good
> > books on linux and the KDE.  The ones I've got don't seem to cover
> > much and theres no user group in my area.
> > Secondly I can't seem to download anything (icq) from the net, or
> > rather I can but I keep getting asked what I want to open it with.
> > I type in <home> (just a guess) and it downloads to:
> > home/andrew/kde/share/kfm/tmp/..whatever......
> > but then what.
> > I don't want to sound like a windoze freak but isn't there any
> > install wizards for linux?  As I am totally new to all of this, all these
> > .rpm and .tar.gz files, not to mention the home/andrew/kde....etc,etc,
> > are doing my head in (hence the need for a good book).
> > I am running Mandrake 6.1
> >                                     Andrew
> Hey, I 've been there!  I was just where you are about 3 weeks ago, but hang in
> there!  It all starts to make sense pretty quickly.  I've had trouble finding a
> "one book gives the whole picture" solution, but the latest one I've looked at
> does a really good job:  Linux: Installation, Configuration, Use, 2nd Ed.   by
> Michael Kofler, Addison-Wesley publisher.
> Regarding install wizards, those .rpm files are pretty much exactly that!  Use
> kpackage, which will install, update and uninstall all the .rpm packages for
> you. Open kpackage, have it search for .rpm packages (in the options menu, you
> can define which directories to search for packages). It will give you a list of
> all the packages (you can view all the installed ones, all the not-installed
> ones, or both from the options menu).  Find the one you want to install,
> highlight it, and hit install. Coming from Windoze, you'll be amazed at how fast
> they install (I sure was!).
> The .tar and .tar.gz files are ones you have to compile yourself (manually
> install).  It's a little more of a pain. I'm not real good at these, but I'll
> see if my memory serves me right.  The others will correct me if I miss it!
> If you have a .tar.gz, it is zipped, and you have to unzip it.  I tend to use
> the graphical kfm (file manager) to browse the directory. By right clicking on
> the file, I get the "archiver" option.  I choose it, which opens the ark program
> and I select extract, which unzips the file. (I think you can use the console
> and enter the command gunzip foo (foo represents the file name).  In either
> case, you end up with a .tar file (which itself is a kind of compressed bundle
> of files).
> Use the console and cd into the directory where your .tar file is. Then enter
> tar -xvf foo
> This will unpack your .tar file into many files and even directories. Now you
> are ready to install.  I think the commands are as follows:
> First, do          ./configure     from the directory which was just created by
> unpacking .tar
> Then, do          make
> Finally...          make install
> Then your program should be installed.
> As you can see, I'm only a step or two ahead of you.  Hope this makes some
> sense!
> Lance

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