At 07:49 PM 2/5/00 -0600, you wrote:
>I just got 7.0 intalled, but no sound or SCSI.  If I try to use Lothar, it
>starts and then the mouse stops responding making it hard to setup.  I used
>developer setup during install.  System specs are below

Make sure the sound card and mouse aren't on the same IRQ. Use
K^ -- Settings -- Information -- Interrupts to check, IIRC.
If the mouse and sound card are Plug'n'Pray you might have problems. Oh you
can certainly eventually get them working, but it could get hairy.

   .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not
-()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
   `*'  straight line."    -------------------------------------------------
        -- B. Mandelbrot  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
_____________________ ____|________                          Paul Derbyshire
Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

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