Hi Paul!

I have a similar setup on one of my machines and did the following test last
Yanked out 2 simms so I had only 32mb.
Extremely bad performance, heaps of disk thrashing, opening Netscape took
and it ran like a dog :-(
Put back the simms so I had 64mb.
Much MUCH better performance.
Still a little slow but considering I have one of those crappy cyrix P166+
chips which
really run at 133mhz I guess it was to be expected.

The conclusion, as our learned friends are saying, KDE needs heaps of memory
and if you want real performance, a decent processor as well.


Michael Perry.
R&D. Dep. Netafim Magal.
<<<<Linux -- the Ultimate Windows Service Pack>>>>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Derbyshire [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Mon 07 February 2000 0:03
> Subject:      Re: [newbie] KDE runs  to slow!
> At 01:38 PM 2/6/00 -0800, you wrote:
> >I had a succesfull installation of Mandrake 6.0 but
> >KDE runs very slow. It takes 5 min to update each
> >screen, the mouse moves very slow (jumps)and all these
> >symptoms act like there is a huge processing queue (my
> >HD is kranking all the time).
> That's damned odd.
> >I have a P133/16MB RAM, 500Mb Native and 50Mb Swap
> >area.
> Oh, that explains everything.
> P133/16MB RAM
>   ^   ^
>   |   |
>   |   `-- You intend to run a GUI with this?! Stick to the command prompt
> until
>   |       you've got at least 32. :-)
>   `------ Ouch. That places your machine squarely in the "desktop
> calculator"
>           bracket in the CPU pecking order. Try something with a bit more
>           zip to it. 350MHz is probably a good starting place.
> Take your spending cash for the month, but 48 megs of simms with it, and
> blow
> the rest on the fastest AMD chip you can. (AMD, because you'll get a
> slightly faster AMD chip than you will an Intel chip for the same price,
> and whereas you can get a conceptually-even-faster Cyrix chip, Cyrix
> generally sucks the bag, especially on fpu performance, but also on string
> and integer ops.)
> -- 
>    .*.  "Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are
> not
> -()  <  circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a
>    `*'  straight line."
> -------------------------------------------------
>         -- B. Mandelbrot  |http://surf.to/pgd.net
> _____________________ ____|________                          Paul
> Derbyshire
> Programmer & Humanist|ICQ: 10423848|

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