I thought I had this licked last night, but I guess I didn't.
It seems that using crontab I can do neat console things like wget an
image from a web site, but I can't seem to make anything happen in X. 
Can anyone tell me why this crontab wgets the file on schedule but
doesn't display it?

25 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -O /root/rad_at.gif
26 * * * * /usr/X11R6/bin/xloadimage -onroot -fullscreen

The xloadimage line works great from the command line, just as it is
above.  I tried
26 * * * * ee /pics/somepic.jpg  and that didn't do anything either.  I
hear the drive thrash briefly at the appointed time, but I see no
output, and receive no mail with errors.

Is it an X thing?  

Arggh!  :)

dave w

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